This capacity-building event aims to reduce the knowledge gap between research and practice by enhancing the capacity of Indonesian extension workers to identify the most compelling findings from the work of researchers, package, present and disseminate these findings to farmers in a practical form. It offers an opportunity to deepen participants' understanding of knowledge and communication issues and gaps between research and extension, enhance their communication skills, share best practices, and learn to better engage with stakeholders. The event is being organized in partnership between CAPSA, the Indonesian Center for Agricultural Technology Assessment and Development (ICATAD) and AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center.
Twenty-seven people are being trained in the writeshop. They come from various provinces in Indonesia. In his opening remarks, Mr. Agung Hendriadi, Director of ICATAD highlighted the importance of this workshop to help local staff to process research findings that can be well understood by extensionists and farmers. Mr. Anshuman Varma, the Knowledge Management Coordinator of CAPSA, in his remarks underscored the linkage between the writeshop and CAPSA’s project titled ‘Network for Knowledge Transfer on Sustainable Agricultural Technologies and Improved Market Linkages in South and South-East Asia’ (SATNET), a key initiative funded by the European Union for promoting sustainable agriculture.
A moderated discussion was also held, underlining the three fundamental concerns: Where is the problem between research and practice rooted? Is it being addressed sufficiently, and how? and
What issues remain?
Three guest speakers were invited: Dr. Zulkifli Zaini (IRRI, Indonesia) representing researchers, Mr. Kobarsih (Extension Center for Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry Dramaga, Bogor) representing extentionists and Mr. Didin Supandi (Agrosilva Farmer Group, Sukamandi) representing farmers. The discussion among the three speakers led to interesting reaction from the audience.