Panel discussion: Evolving role of extension systems,
including ICT, as ‘knowledge brokers’ between researchers and farmers
The second panel
discussion of the Expert Consultation focused on the evolving role of extension
systems, including ICT, as knowledge brokers between researchers and farmers. ICT
has become an important tool in promoting and facilitating agriculture
development, and helping ensure food security.
The panelists
included: Dr. Kiran Kokate, ICAR, India; Dr. Ranny Chaidirsyah, Head, Farming
Institution Empowerment, National Centre for Agriculture Extension, Agency for
Agricultural Extension and Human Resource Development, Ministry of Agriculture,
Indonesia; Dr. Fabrizio Bresciani, Senior Agriculture Economist, The World Bank
Group, Indonesia Country office; Mr. Tim Bennett, Managing Director, Managed
Growth Group, Australia; Mr. Mohinder Grewal, farmer group representative,
ICT – facilitator of research-extension linkages
The first issue
discussed was the perception of the ability of ICT to facilitate effective
linkages between research and extension. It was pointed out that ICT has been
particularly useful for crop diagnoses and assessing crop nutrition aspects,
e.g. through photographs, as well as by facilitating access to expert views
from different geographical areas. However, a more exciting development is
possible if we start perceiving agriculture as an industry rather than as an
entrepreneurial activity. Once viewed as an industry, ICT and mobile phone companies
can be seen as avenues for transferring cash, dealing with remittances and
better financing of agriculture. Increasingly, ICT systems are being used in
other sectors of agriculture such as agroprocessing industries for quality
checks and traceability of product market type by both small and large farmers in
the Asia-Pacific region.
Opportunities are there, but constraints must be
Recognizing the
potential role of ICT in bridging the research and extension gap, the panelists
noted that while ICT can indeed, facilitate another agricultural revolution, it
needs to be used carefully to send the right information to farmers. Every
technology has its limitations and there is need for more research on the use
of ICT in agriculture. While the advantages of ICT are known, it is challenging
to determine its usefulness for farmers. The panel stressed the need for striking
a balance between institutions that develop applications for farmers, and their
partnership development with the private sector such as mobile phone companies
as well as farmers themselves. The Philippines, for example, has an ICT system
for managing fertilizers and identifying soil conditions, but farmers need certain
skills to use it (e.g. to enter numbers). Such constraints must be well
Two-way communication that facilitates a learning
The panel, however,
pointed out that ICT should not only be used as media for information sharing
but its potential to facilitate a learning process for all stakeholders should
also be harnessed. Extension workers, who are intermediaries between
researchers and farmers, need the capacity and knowledge to use various forms
of ICT to facilitate interaction and ensure that correct and timely information
is passed on to farmers. Panel members added that a trade-off needs to be made
between specific information related to farmers’ conditions as well as general
information facilitated by ICT. Certain applications under development are
by-passing extension workers.
The panel discussed the
ICAR experience with ICT in agricultural extension in India. ICAR has initiated
mobile advisory services for extension workers at KVKs and is developing an
e-farm service to provide alerts to farmers. However, while ICT services work
well in some parts of India, their use in remote locations where availability
of electricity is limited, remains a challenge. It is difficult for farmers to
charge mobile phones to receive crop advisories from KVKs. Nevertheless, ICT
can play an important role as was evident during the recent cyclone in the
state of Orissa when the early warning system saved thousands of lives.
Opportunities to work with youth and financing
The skills,
motivation and enthusiasm needed to take up opportunities related to ICT vary
across the globe. ICT is opening doors for young people who can start thinking
of applying ICT tools to agriculture. As such, it was suggested to promote ICT use
in agriculture by youth. ICT applications should also be used in the financial
sector so that farmers can obtain information about how to get credit or repay
bank loans using mobile phones. The panel added that microfinance institutions
are very keen on using ICT applications as such institutions are increasingly
interested in giving stronger advice and support to farmers with the objective
of getting loans repaid.
Role of public-private partnership in ICT
Opportunities also
exist to change regulations and policies to make ICT use easier for extension workers
and farmers. In Indonesia, for example, the Central Bank is piloting an
initiative that allows payments to be made using mobile phones. However, regulations
need to be changed to provide such services to farmers on a wider basis. It was
also emphasized that people at the grass roots need to be encouraged to
collaborate in providing advisory services, market accessibility and electronic
Role of government
It is crucial that
governments understand the potential of ICT in the agriculture sector. In
India, for example, the Ministry of Agriculture is providing opportunities for
stakeholders to come together to develop sustainable agriculture technologies,
such as an ‘Agropedia’ (a farmers’ portal) for extension workers at KVKs. In
Indonesia, the government is planning to open an ICT research centre to develop
ICT applications specifically designed for farmers as a way of building trust.
Trust was again
raised as an important issue in the use of ICT. It was pointed out that
ICT-enabled information systems by themselves, do not guarantee the reliability
of the information they provide to farmers. It is the role of extension workers
to build trust by elaborating the messages transmitted to farmers in a format
that farmers can interpret. Farmers often approach other farmers to help them
interpret complex messages. Providing information on prices which can be
verified by farmers could be proof for farmers that they can trust the system.
However, trust is much easier to build when everyone shares common interests.
It was mentioned that the level of trust in agricultural cooperatives is much
higher than in other institutions.