Monday, February 16, 2015

Local farmer organizations strengthen agricultural marketing in Nepal 

In his presentation to the Policy Dialogue, Mr. Komal Pradhan, National Program Director, International Development Enterprises (iDE), Nepal, explained how local farmer organizations are strengthen marketing of agricultural produce by small and marginal farmers in in Nepal. Besides limited marketing opportunities, major constraints to commercial sale of their produce, include the subsistence-oriented nature of local agriculture, farmers’ lack of knowledge, training and skills, difficulty in accessing agricultural inputs from distant district capitals and major towns, and the limited price negotiating ability of farmers.

Marketing and Planning Committees (MPCs) supported by iDE Nepal, work with farmers’ organizations to help farmers in marketing their vegetables and plan production to meet market demand. The MPCs also link farmer groups and local service providers with consumers at the local, district and regional level.

This has assured market access for farmers and fair prices for their produce, enabling them to sell even very small quantities and save time and money on transport. As a result, farmers have been motivated to expand their cropped area. Traders have also benefited as they can buy a variety of crops in large volumes with regularity. The MPCs have also enhanced the social standing of farmers by providing opportunities for participation in programmes they have developed themselves, and guaranteeing sales of produce at a better price.

 Reporter: Aisyah Wara Khaleda, Bogor Agricultural University (

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