Monday, February 16, 2015

Technology transfer to facilitate agricultural trade in Nepal

Mr. Pushpa Raj Rajkarnikar, Chairman, Institute for Policy Research and Development of Nepal, made a presentation to the Third SATNET Policy Dialogue on the problems and potential of agricultural trade in Nepal. The country can export a variety of agricultural and processed food products such as large cardamom, ginger, honey, lentils, tea, medicinal herbs, essential oils and instant noodles, but faces a number of trade constraints. These include challenges to production such as a lack of skills, technology and labour as well as inadequate market access and knowledge. Difficulty in meeting sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) requirements, problems in obtaining quality certification because of the lack of a recognized accreditation agency, lengthy trade procedures, high transport costs, irregular electricity supply and inadequate use of information technology are also holding back the country from realizing its agricultural export potential. Being a landlocked country is also a hurdle and the Government is working with the Government of India, the main agricultural trade partner of Nepal, to facilitate trade harmonization. 

The Government is using technology transfer for agricultural trade facilitation by developing an integrated strategy for agricultural trade and strengthening trade-related capacities of both the public and private sector. Technology transfer for trade facilitation is focusing on improvement in the transport and communication systems and quality assurance. 

Reporter: Aisyah Wara Khaleda, Bogor Agricultural University (

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